Survive Amersham
A video plays to your team showing a freak incoming storm. We need to prepare you and rescue the Elsewhere team that got caught in the storm.
We break your group into teams that under-go a series of tasks in order to plan and prepare for the worst – and to ultimately locate the Elsewhere team and rescue them.
Teams are given a rucksack; containing a map, a sheet of tasks with grid refs and a CB radio (everyone loves talking on the radio).
The required tasks are:
-Land Rover training and pulling a tree
-Follow the Youtube trail and get the Kendal Mint cake
-Get to the emergency cooking equipment stand
-Light a fire (with no matches) and prepare and cook a meal
-Build a shelter and make a rescue flag
-Drop everything and embark on the time sensitive- High St poncho challenge
Over the session teams figure out where the Elsewhere team are located and head over. The team that found them within time (and scored the highest) are today’s winners and are presented with bottles of champagne.
It must be time for a drink!